Thursday, May 22, 2014

Second Amendment Enthusiasts

                                               Second Amendment Enthusiasts 
                                     (Seriously!  Get your heads out of your asses)

I've been silent for a long time due to medical issues, but when I saw the story about guns not being allowed in Chipotles any longer on The Daily Show I was like Whaaat!! Guns in a fast food restaurant with little kids who's brilliant idea was this. It never should've been allowed in the first place. Hello, Insanity! Do we need a weekly reminder of tragedies like Columbine?! Thank you Michael Moore! Apparently we do when gun holders are calling the new smart guns a violation of the right to bear arms. Smart guns can only be used by the owner thanks to a band you wear around your wrist that identifies you. How is this bad? Or a violation? I'm not pro guns but if they have to be around and they always will the smart gun will at least make sure the right people are arrested and put in jail. Plus, it will rid of us of unfortunate tragedies when parents  don't lock up their guns.  If smart guns had been around when I was younger my brothers friend wouldn't have lost his little brother to an accidental gun shot by another friend. I still remember where I was when heard the shot. So gun enthusiasts get your heads out of your asses and think of the kids for fuck sake!

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