Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just One More Reason I Miss NY (The Masshole Hit and Run Incident)

New Yorkers get a bad rap, and maybe there are a few people here and there who perpetuate that rep, but for the most part NYers are good people and if they hit you they stop unlike here in MA where Saturday afternoon I was the victim of a Hit and Run by shopping cart via big ass white pickup truck which I felt just as much as if I were moving. You shouldn't have to wear a seatbelt parked in a Stop n Shop parking
lot (in Quincy), but if I had maybe my bones wouldn't hurt with the shock as a female trying to go through the parking lane next to me drove her giant truck into a cart she could've avoided straight into my front side and then left me in shock as she looked at me and then drove away. I now know where the term Masshole comes from and I'm not saying all Bostonians are bad. My brother in-law is one and he'd  never just drive away from such an incident. Still, I've had more incidents: 5 (4 of which were rear endings and none my fault) since I came up here ten years ago than I had in 16 years of driving in NY the first of which was less than 6 months after getting my liscense and the other a man trying to get his wife to work forgetting to stop for a light turning red. I'd just gotten my car a month earlier. NY drivers may drive too fast, come out of nowhere but the take atleast stop and have a yelling match with you about who's fault it is even when it's obviously their's.

To look in someone's eyes with an expression of "you were in my way" and then to leave is just irressponsible and cowardly, and is what upsets me most about the incident aside from whoever couldn't walk fifteen feet to get the cart into the proper place and the ache in my bones from the impact which though minimal felt more extreme. Seriously, do I have to wear a seatbelt even when I'm not moving!!! Now I wait to find out if the store caught it on tape or not. I know my chances of this are minimal but if nothing else I  would like to give this woman a piece of my mind on just plain common decency. I don't think that's a lot to ask for, do you!?

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