Thursday, September 23, 2010

Will This Banner Get It's Chance To Wave

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Will This Banner Get It's Chance To Wave

The United First Parish Church, in the heart of Quincy, MA wants to hang a 34 foot by 4 foot banner from it's columns saying, "People of Faith for Marriage Equality". However, the idea was "nixed" by the town's historical district committe. Not due to bias against lesbians and gays according to reports but because they say it would take away the beauty of the structure. The vote within the committee was a very close 3-2, and the church intends to now take it's case to the city's zoning board of appeals as the size is a major factor in the decision to not allow it to be hanged. Anthony Ricci, a member of the Historic commission "suggested hanging the banner in the portico of the church, a spot that could be easily seen from the street but wouldn't be hanging from the church's columns." (1)

It seems the banner issue here isn't a new one as last year a number of The United Church of Christ congregations in the south shore region, "hung streamers and banners as part of the national denomination’s ‘‘God is still speaking’’ outreach campaign." (2)

"The project drew wider attention when some TV networks refused to air an ad that featured a gay couple along with minorities, youths, the elderly and heterosexual couples. Local UCC churches have taken their banners down. "(2)

Other comments made about the current banner from those in the clergy outside of Quincy bely the ideas that; first they shouldn't be political, and also that people have alot of opinions but that isn't a reason to put that opinion on a banner.

Yet, in a very political stance one temple did put up a banner last year. The congregation, "erected their pro-Israel banner in much the same spirit as the UCC project, as ‘an open yet important statement’ that liberal and conservative members could agree on."(2)

It will be intersting to see what happens with the zoning committee, and the church can take this to court if it so chooses.

Paul Wilczynski, one of the parishioners at the meeting on the issue said, "I'd hate to leave this room tonight feeling that our ability to send a faith-based message will be impeded by the fat that we're in a historical building."(1)





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