Friday, November 16, 2012

9/11 11 Years Later

I was just watching a recent episode of Bones, which may seem a strange way to start this post but it's actually very significant in why i'm writing at this moment. The episode was about a man who was found that died a week after the attacks and had a part in saving someone that day.

It got me thinking about why i have still never watched any footage of the attacks. First there is the way i found out. I was in the hospital when it happened recovering from major surgery so the last thing I wanted was to watch the news. My parents who came to see me every day knew but never told me. Not even the day i was released, so i didn't find out until i returned to work and another worker told me. When i told her i ddn't know she asked if i'd been living under a rock. I frankly wanted to hit her for her blase attitude. I  don't think i ever got over my parents not telling me.

Then there are those who are always saying when the subject comes up how we were all affected the same. That's Bullshit! Would you tell that to the mothers,fathers, wives, husband, and kids who lost family members?! How dare you say it was the same for all of us. There are also those of us who like me not only had their country attacked but their cities as well. Mine being New York. I take that very personally. Just as much as i take the attack on our country. Maybe even more because New York was my home for 30 years and 2 years later a landmark i saw everyday on my way to work is gone and the people in and around it as well. A few people i know just barely escaped being on of the number that were killed that day and i take that personally. I'm glad that their safe but they never should've been at risk in the first place.

Which brings us to then President Bush who took his weet time reacting to the attack and then left the troops over there so long that the carnage just increased exponentially. I may not believe in war but i Obama for finally giving me some closure. It did affect all of us but some in bigger ways than others. I may not have lost any family but those people who did die feel like family as do the soldier's who died. Family who died in what i feel was a pointlessly cruel attack and the bloodletting continued away from here for over a decade.