Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Old Posts, New Ones to come Soon

These posts go back a few years but I liked them and wanted to share all the same. I wrote them during a class for building a website. I was in charge and it was hell (lots of lazy people in the group) but I got it up and running and these blog entries were apart of the beginning process of that, so anyway the subjects (some) may be a bit dated but quite a few still make me think, so enjoy.




Saturday, February 25, 2006


What is it about blogging that makes it so popular.In my opinon it's a few things which in some way are all related. Foremost, it's a way to express yourself concerning a number of different thing. Some people post to share their lives with others; the good and the bad. In this sense it's a way to spread you own joys or mabye vent you own pains and maybe find out your not alone or just gain a sympathetic ear that you can't get at home.

It can also be used to express ideas, or talk about things that are going on in the world. You can bounce ideas off of others who can be more objective than those around you, and get their opinions. You can talk about an event that your excited about or that has you concerned or even angry and find other people who feel the same or can offer you other ways to look at happenings.
It's a way to do all these things with little or a great deal of anonymity which for some of us makes it easier to express feelings we are reluctant to out loud to those around us, and you can choose who can and can't comment on your entries. If someone is overly critical or nasty you can block them without the whiplash you'd get from trying to get the same person to stop if you were face to face. And you can let anybody comment or restrict it to friends or even just yourself if you don't want comments and just want to write how you're feeling about your day. The pluses definitely outweigh the minuses which i think is why so man people have picked up the blogging bug.